About SRK: Board
Jeff Armiger is the Senior Vice President Area Executive for BB&T. He enjoys playing music and tennis, and has lived on the Severn for many years.
Pierre Henkart, Ph.D., Scientific Advisor, retired from his position as Chief of the Lymphocyte Cytotoxicity Section of the Experimental Immunology Branch of the National Cancer Institute at the National Institute of Health in 2006. He volunteers his time with the SRK supervising the water quality monitoring program. He is the author of the annual Severn River Monitoring Report, which is submitted to the Governor and his agency heads as part of SRK’s SevernStat Report. Pierre has a doctorate from Harvard in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and conducted his post-doctoral research in Marine Biochemistry at the University of California San Diego.
Fred Kelly, Former Severn Riverkeeper and is an environmental attorney with over 30 years of experience. He began his environmental career as the first attorney for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. His defeat of the nuclear power plant proposed for Douglas Point on the Potomac adjacent to the most important Striped Bass spawning area on the East Coast and the five-year moratorium are credited with saving the Chesapeake Striped Bass fishery. Fred has a B.A. in English from Trinity College in Hartford, Conn., and a J.D. from the University of Maryland School of Law in Baltimore.
Nancy Kelly was the first staff biologist for the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, and then began her own environmental consulting firm known as Coastal Resources. She is currently an ordained minister working as a Chaplin at the Anne Arundel Medical Center. Nancy has resided on the Severn for the past 40 years and enjoys sailing, rowing, and singing in the St. Margaret’s Choir.
Mary Anna Barrat - Environmental Landscape and Native Plant specialist
Ted Gattino - Director, Business Development, Taggart Brown & Associates, Inc.
David J. Wallace is a professional engineer and past president of the Severn River Association. He has served as chief engineer for numerous habitat restoration projects around the Bay, such as the highly touted Howard’s Branch Restoration and the Drevar Park Living Shoreline Project. David’s aerial photos are often featured in newsprint stories about the Bay. He has published aerial surveys of submerged aquatic vegetation and documented shoreline hardening and wetland projects. David regularly flies over the Chesapeake documenting the changes and providing a perspective of the Bay that the public can only appreciate through aerial photography.
Photo Credit: Paul Henning